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Philosophy statement

In September 2001 a purpose built resource base for deaf children was opened to cater for the needs of deaf children within Thurrock. The resource provides an inclusive setting for up to 18 children ranging from 3 to 11 years. Deaf children work alongside mainstream peers and are included in all areas of school life. We are committed to working in partnership with parents and the wider community.

We believe that a positive self-image is the foundation of effective learning. Children need to believe in themselves as deaf individuals in order to achieve their full potential. As a school, we have high expectations of children both academically and socially and encourage them to have the same high expectations of themselves. Children are expected to achieve a high level of independence in respect to their own learning, equipment and environment. Creating a positive identity helps children to understand that they have a valid role in both Deaf and hearing communities.

At Warren we offer a child-centred approach to communication. Our aim is to meet the varying needs of the deaf children in the school, recognising and using their linguistic strengths. The curriculum is delivered in the individual’s preferred language whether that is British Sign Language (BSL), Signed Supported English (SSE) or Spoken English. We provide resources that enable deaf children to be included into mainstream classes, where they can access the curriculum, whenever possible. When this is not appropriate, children are taught an adapted curriculum which is based upon the requirements of the National Curriculum. Also at lunchtime and playtime we have signing Learning Support Assistants.